While in a lecture explaining the projects to us, I had a brainwave when listening to the lecturers talking about what other projects they do outside of uni. Mike said he was doing a research project into grief and bereavement, which of course gave me the idea that the biggest transition we as humans go through is that of death.
Here are a few of the images we used:
(images by Jan Klos)
I mentioned this to the group and we decided to make a go of it and look into the death idea. We went and shot one of the oldest and larger grave yards in the city. Where we managed to get some real interesting shots. However We then learnt that we would be swapping with another group, and that they would have to edit our stills and we would have to edit videos. We then captured other images more to do with transport to give them the option of suggesting that the person had died in a car crash, or to give them an option not to use the graveyard idea if they didn’t like it.
We got to swap, with jades group. The group had did it incorrectly so they showed an edited piece when we showed what we had done in the lecture. (which made our job alot harder because people had already seen the indended video!) There was only 4mins worth of footage, and some of that was repeated.
The basic footage was a shot in first person and showed a person waking up from ‘the night before’ and their journey to get to uni/work. Such as getting up, showering, putting on makeup. With this we had to begin by cutting up and creating sub-clips as the video was almost completely continually shot. We then decided we was going to try and create the look that more than one person was getting up after a big night out. Such as to say that more than one person was sleeping. We took as much of the footage and used it, repeating the shots of the alcohol to make it clear to the audience that the people had been drinking a lot. We also edited together some of the sound to create a different feel by using one of the out take sounds an ‘oh crap!’ and editing it into the video so it appeared or suggested that two girls had ended up in bed together, one of there phones go off, maybe an partner? Or an alarm? And they get up and rush off.
I personally really didn’t like this project, while the Tuesday group not only had more time, but because of the lack of the ‘15mins of footage’ that was ment to be given to us, it made editing very hard. We also came against time restraints as we all had commitments (work ect) and seems though we only got the footage on Friday, sat/Sunday the edit suits are closed, and that left Monday and Tuesday, One of which we had a lecture on, made it feel like we was rushed a lot.
I personally think we could of done better given more footage and more time, we wanted to play around with repeating images, and work on the sound.