22 October 2009

mini sound lecture video right ups. (WEEK2)

st thought i should input a few of my notes on the videos from the week 2 video lecture.

Apocolypse Now. WAITING IN SAIGON (clip)

there is some really prominant sound scapes in this clip. which really adds to the atmosphere of the movie.
  • I love the distrortion effect on the helecopters which adds almost a dream like quality to the scene which links up to the rest of th scene where we find out hes mearly day dreaming.
  • i also like the way The doors song (not visible in this clip) is in the song linked up to the edits. Carfully place the 'tranquil' beguinning is destroyed by a silent explosion and the lyrics to the song singing:
'This is the end

Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end'
  •  The lyrics are also prominant where he is laying, staring up at the sky, the rotations of the blades of the helecoper and the lyrics are synched to:
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
Ill never look into your eyes...again

I do like this idea of words in the soundscape corresponding to the video. This technique for some reason reminds me of a video I was shown by a previous student called ‘LAMB TO THE SLAUGHTER’ which is based around a Roald Darl Short where a woman kills her husband. In the video there is a narration throughout (which is the short story) and there is apart where the woman in the videos lips sync up with the narration which I thought had a very good impact. It caught your eye and made the words more prominent.

11/09/01- september 11
(Claude Lelouch - Francia)

This Video I found to be very touching. And very clever. With the minimal sound, and the subject it makes u think very hard and pay attention to what you are watching. The relationship is integral to the video and is very subtle with its use of sound. The only real dialog u hears is him saying that he’s going to be at the World trade centre. While the rest is only really muffled sounds. All except the camera click, which could suggest that it’s her only, release in a silent world, and that she has forced to become visual and living her life through her eyes rather than sound. It’s a great use of anticipation for the audience as we know what is happening when the character doesn’t. The powful image in this video I found is where it’s a wide angled shot, you as the audience can see the goings on of the world trade centre on the news on the tv, while in the background the hard of hearing girl sits and writes a goodbye letter to her boyfriend who is at the world trade centre that day. It’s a very poignant image where the audience know that while shes writing that shes worried he may leave her, that he could be dead. Which is made even more powerful at that she normally sits infront of the tv watching the news while he is at work, and the one day she doesn’t, is the one day she would need to know what’s happening. It also has a good ending when he turns up and she asks whats happen. I may look into viewing the rest of the 'countries' on the disk for comparison.

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