Previous to my studies here I did an A-level in Art in which one of my Modules was based around death. Here i wanted to share with you some of my previous work, its also a great base to stand on for this project because I have the start of some practises in the art world which i can look at and use in relation to photography and video:
While this book is focusing more on the art forms (drawing, painting ect.) some of the ideas in here can be brought into my new project to develope upon.
When we Begun our topic for Art, we were told to begin by looking at the structures found in a graveyard, and so forth, which automatically drew my mind back to this project when we were on the Welford Road Cem taking photos for our swap project, the example images on the page to the left were taken at HighGate cemetry, which i was quite lucky to have access to, seems though to visit the cemetry you have to have had a relative who died and is buried there. It is not Open to the public, and hosts some amazing Ruined Graves. It also lies resting places to some famous people.
We then looked at the skeletal structure and almost a black humor approach to it, by placing it in everyday situations in which it appears that someone had just died and decaying in the position they were last in, for some reason this reminded me of Pompey and the mummified remains there, or Some of the ideas surrounding the atom bomb where the skin is litterally burned off the bones and all we are left with are the bones in the same, meaningless position they were in the moment they died.

We then went on to do some (which i hope to continue into this project because i feel it could really progress and lead somewhere) Is the mexican day of the dead. This is where they celebrate the death of the loved ones, with brightly coloured parades, candles, sweets, photos, offereings, its basically a HUGE party based around those who have died.
We also looked into the dance of death, an earlier form of rebellious art, sketches and prints based around a line of skeletons and high ranking political and relious leaders dancing to the grave. In modern day, it would be the same as Gordon Brown, Obama, the pope all hand in hand with skeletons dancing into the grave. Its very black humor.
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