2 December 2009

Faking death

So finding it hard for inspiration on the internet (getting mega annoyed with a load of attention seeking photos of 'emo' kids holding out there wrists covered in fake blood.) I headed to the library where i found a book entitled 'Faking death' by  Penny Cousineau-Levine.  while the text focuses on the art photography and imagination of canadian photographers, some of the photographers in there caught my eye. Here i thought i would post a few of the images that caught my eye and then i could look further into them, and there work. 

The first that catches my eye is the work of Evergon. His work features bound people. Whats unusal and makes the distortion caused by the image, and what i really like about it is the distortion, it looks painful, and constricted. it looks trapped, feels enclosed, claustrophobic, whats unsual is that he mimics the 'scanner' effect by pushing his subject up against glass, and used the same lighting effect that you would get with a scanner. its a very different effect.

Another photographer that really shines out at me is the work of Diana Thorneycroft whos work of captured people, among a mass of greenery, dead animals, teeth, machinery, looks almost like a mix of horror and sci-fi. It again feels consticted but also gives across the feeling of domination and control. like something is controling you. 

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