18 January 2010

beating heart? -film

the idea of a beating heart at the end of the film would finish it off very well. almost to say, once the numbness has gone (the ice heart) the person starts to feel again (the beating heart.) My friend who suggested it to me is an electronics student and said by attaching a muscle toner like this:

it would contract the heart muscles and it would appear to be beating. However the wires would be in full view of the camera which im not sure if i would like.As well i have searched around and its really difficult and expencive to get ahold of these muscle toners needed. Maybe there is away of using final cut or after effects to create a beating effect. I also saw a piece of work by a past students on one of the open days (i am a tour guide), i dont know who it was by however it used an editing technique in which they encorperated sound and a very quick edit between extreame close up and a medium shot, and it just had this feel of a heart beat, which i could experiment with if i cant find an effect that works on an editing software.

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