30 April 2010

MY WORK- lip scene

so when its come to doing the big 'shocker' scene with the lip. i wanted to experiement with a few ideas that i had. 

one was the straight forward lip scene reshot in better lighting and with the lipring hole recovered so it looks like its broken through the skin.

the second was a more gorey version of the lip thing using some fake blood.

and the third was to try and edit a transparency of this scene, over someone talking or someone trying to tlk and like stopping before they can.

so while filming i was going to experiment with all three ideas and compaire to which i think would work best expesh along with the music. 

out of my three ideas, the one that worked was the simple version, the gorey version didnt work due to the nature of the song, but also the fact that the blood wasnt the right consistancy and didnt 'run' enough

and the overlay just looked very over/ complicated. which didnt really suit the rest of the video.

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