24 April 2010

Self harm music videos

after searching around abit more i managed to find a few videos that contains self harm which is more along the subject i was originally looking at, even though the sucide videos were useful to look at. 

Deadstar Assembly- Breathe for me 

This music video is very graphic in its portrayal of self harm, the extreame close ups of the cutting of the arms could be seen as abit to literal in a sense, its not really what i am going for. However i do like how it is made out to be some form of home video and looks like it was shot on a hand held. some of the shots are slightly abstract in comparison. which is rather nice. 

Simple Plan- Crazy 
click here to watch (embedding enabled) 
This video for simple plan is actually pretty well done, its subtle compaired to the first image and seems to focus on self destruction abit anyway. it uses small sections of well directed clips thrown together with the footage of the band. i also like the clip of the girls diary, its reminisant of my first video and the diary in that. which is something i wanted to try and encorperate in my video again. the actual self harm clip just shows the scars of a self harmer which was rather nicer, and seemed slightly better shot then the video above. i also like the fact that its shot in black and white.

Girls Xpress- we're what we're made of

 This is another one for me to look at because its actually wrote, sung and directed as part of a youth project by the three singers who are all selfharmers. it shows a narrative rather more so then some of the other videos ive looked at, and while the only thing that i did find slightly strange was the girl running down the road with her arm bleeding... but its nicely done in the fact that it shows that moment when someone close, in this case the mother, finds out.

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