2 April 2010

saatchi gallery part 2

this piece from Tomoo Gotika entitled 'divorce' its very emotional and the use of obstracted faces makes it appeal to this project. its a very large painting, and the use of contrast and shading is very inspiring.

 this painting by Jia Aili is two canvases. its avery deep and dramatic paiting using subtle lighting. again its on the very large scale, and if you can see it the glossy effect reflected the lighting from the gallery which wasnt so good.  however i still found it a very powerful image of a child in a lake wearing a gas mask.
i like the use of colours in this work, very subtle and yet very emotive.

there were two video pieces in the gallery, this one was an animation on loop, and while it had no relation to my ideas i thought i would take this image to show the layout of the video peices. they were shown on a flatscreen plasma tv, the wires forming a thin black collum from the tv to the floor where the other electrionics (plugs ect) is hidden by a white boxed encasing. 

 the second video piece was a piece by matthew day jackson entitled metamophosis which was a collection of images of a what appears to be a wax skull, in different colours and in different states of abstraction, constantly playing on a loop. it was rather interesting to watch.

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