26 April 2010

MY WORK- scribble-effect

Also from my previous video i really liked the effect of the scribble on the paper, so i am going to use that again in this video but changing it abit to improve it. instead of over text like before im going to create a scene where you see a close up of the person scribbling over a photo, an extreame close up and then showing you a collection of images on the wall all of the same person with there faces scibbled out. it reminded me of the beginning of the pearl jam video jeremy. where we see him inthe woods scribbling. also it reminded me of a scene from that great horror classic 'the ring' in which we see images of scribbled out faces, and circles scribbled to signify the well she died in. its just a powerful imagery i feel, and shows agression or one way a person lets out the anger in away which isnt dangerous 

the ring trailor:

example of 'scribble effect' at 1:28- 1:30

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