21 February 2010

Video feedback and thoughts

after a good session on tutorial day, and i had a chance to discuss my video. I personally wasnt happy with it, but the feedback i got from it was good. (i havent uploaded it because of problems with its size and youtube but ill see if i can sort that) the main crit on it was the lack of sound. which i know was a big part as i couldnt think of what i wanted to do. most of the feedback was that there was some really powerful shots in it. i personally felt the video was to slow, and when we watched it back in almost double time it came across better to me. i could rework it to be more like how i wanted but part of me thinks that i wont gain anything from doing that. i also really have an idea that i want to continue on from using the style of my last film, but inproving on it, maybe focusing more on the edits and sound once the bulk of it is shot. i do want to try and encorperate one of the shots from this last film, the lip shot, and reshoot it to see if i can improve it, and make it apart of my new video. Thinking alot after my last post i would love to focus more on video for this, as well as still experimenting with the ideas of photography.

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