18 March 2010

experimentation with a few ideas

i created a short video from a few ideas i had, to try and get the ball rolling. seen here:

its no where near a polished look. but i really like the ending to this, the blurred face came out better then i expected. i also like the sped up and how it distorts the movements adding to it. the final clip  of the sped up blurred face is my fave part. i could experiment more with blurring of the camera. the rest came out ok, but im not sure about the editing. while the fast looks good im unsure it would fit with the music. the shots itself i would like to change. i found it hard to stay within the frame im on the edge for some shots, because i couldnt see what was on the cam. while the other thing i would comment on is the lighting. its not as contrasty as i would like. other all it was a good experience and leads me to develop more on this idea.

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