2 March 2010

plans and story board

so far ive really just been brainstorming ideas of what im going to do and in all honesty all the ideas ive had have been for video, so after much thought i think im going to focus on just the one medium. The idea is to focus on imagery and the sound to accompany it. I want it to appear so that in all the images that the face is covered, distorted, or only parts of the face showing. ive been working on the kind of imagery ive wanted to include and brainstormed and even worked on a little storyboard style thing which i will upload soon. for the sound i want to create an atmosphere, as well as maybe having a narration, if i was to do a narration but with the voice to be distorted, and just as annonamous as the face.Also i will be looking into re shooting my lip scene from my last video.

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