3 March 2010

Rebecca Belmore

Belmore is a canadian performance and instillation artist, her work focuses on a range of subjects from history,voice and voicelessness, place and  indentity.  while her work is interesting, expesherly her video instillations such as fountains (added at the bottom) and while she looks at indenity, she looks at it from an angle that i do not really wish to persue. its mainly looking into her own historical identity rather then my idea of sort of hiding urself and who u really are deep inside. the reason i looked at her was a section of stills from some of her performances and instillations looked like they could relate however personally this isnt a direction i would like to take my work. the only really thing that i liked was the fountain and how the water was used to distort the video and such. expesh as the video was projected onto a water screen (a moving waterfall)  that made it more interesting to me. I found a good artical about her fountain piece on Conundrumonline.

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