So after the first exeriment with liquid latex was abit of a fail, the fail being that it wasnt thick enough and so it wouldnt peal off of the flat serface i was drying it on. so i reset some more, let it dry. then i was seeing if it would work. i tried to get another makeup timelapse but it runs abit fast, as im using a different webcam to do it. but i thought id include it anyway
(images captured from the video so they are abit crap quality) so this experiment had its ups and downs. using my foundation to cover it it didnt have much different to my skin tone, while using the eyelash glue ment it was suitable for my skin. once placed on the skin and leaving to dry it didnt look to bad, from afar it looked like there was nothing there while u could tell more close up that it was fake. but then i could of adjusted the distance between the camera and the shot or maybe even adjusted the lighting to help. however the big desider was the experimentation to see if the needle would go through this thicker layer, and while i increased the surface area so that hopefully it wouldnt pull the skin off of my face. however it did work a little better, but sadly the needle wasnt sharp enough to break through it and it ripped off my skin, and tbh i dont want to put a different 'sharper' needle in my mouth. so i guess using liquid
isnt exactly going to work out.
so where do i go from here?! well there was one other alternative to try and sort this out for the use in my video and thats the use of skin putty and just slightly filling up the hole, it would prob work abit better because i will only need a little bit, however i still dont know if it would work with the needle coming through the skin. but its worth a try.
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