4 March 2010

skin putty experiments

so after the failure of the liquid latex i looked into other ways that you can create fake skin and i found that smithy makes a fake skin putty which is a more solid way to build up the impression of fake skin. so i perchased some and here i am experimenting to see if it would get the right effect on the skin. i found this alot more messy as it wasnt as plyable as i wanted, it was a very waxy like substance and sticky, good for applyin to the face, but also ment it got everywhere. it also means that not being made from a rubbery substance it would easily be broken through.  it also was a very good colour match for mine without any foundation being added, a bonus when foundation costs so much! 

i only used a little of the face putty but it was very effective and did look more real then the latex. it was rather hard to get it smooth but with abit of time i think it would give a more clean effect, while just being done quickly here it appears like scar tissue abit. just because it was not smooth and funny enough fits in with the scars ive got at the moment from spots :\ 

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