3 March 2010

Kumi Yamashita

Kumi Yamashita has a very unusal talent, and could be seen as an instillation artist, she uses shapes made from wood or metal that when the light is just right, cast shadows of people. Its a strage thing to look at but it is a wonder. after all there is a shadow of a human standing, sitting ect, but no one is actually there. The interesting bit is that without the lighting being perfect there would be no perfectly formed figure waiting there. Its very unusal. the most unusal ones being the sulptures made from text and letters that some how magically forms into a persons face or full figure. As i have been looking at surrealist films and photographers like to play with shadows and contrasts, one film that stands out of its shadows is  Nosferatu the german expressionist vampire film. Maybe i could also work in some play on shadows or even just using it as another way of deforming the figure, the person. 

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