17 November 2009

Day of the dead and corpse bride

So while looking at the day of the dead the one thing all the bright garish colours and the candy skulls reminded me off was a scene in TIM BURTONS  corpse bride.
This is the scene it reminds me of:

singing skeletons playing instraments made from each others with garish colours and a mix of floresent coloured lights. If death was really like that most people wouldnt be afraid of it.
The whole premice of the film is that the lead Victor accidently marrys a corpse while practising his wedding vows in the woods and ends up being dragged to the underworld. However  the way Burton shoots and planned this film is that the normal earthly world is dull, unexciting, people do things because they have to not because they enjoy it, infact the characters in the normal world arnt ever seen having fun. Everything is dark, colourless, and to almost some extent greyscale, but the ironic thing is when victor enters the underworld, everyone is drinking, having fun, singing dancing, bright coloured. Almost as if to say that death is more fun then life, and that lifes only the que to get into club death. or never feeling so alive till your dead.

'Real life'


This whole premise is very day of the dead, and corpse bride even mocks both the living and the dead.
And this is not the only Tim Burton Film to do so, infact many of his film focus on how maybe death is better then life. Another example of this is Beetlejuice where two resently deceased ghosts are trying to work out the ins and outs of haunting while trying to stop its house being taken over by the new occupents and stopping the psyco dead guy beetlejuice (DONT SAY HIS NAME 3 TIMES!) featuring many scenes which show that the dead do have more fun like in this scene where the two main characters (the ghosts) are trying to scare away the current tennents:

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