22 November 2009


while in the small group tutorials after discussing work, we also looked at each other blogs and Annie had posted a video which we then watched in the tutorial, i didnt know if i should post it on my blog but because of the way this video made me feel.

From the offstart, the dancer painted all black, it brought me back and reminded me of something nightmareish. i know it will sound stupid, but it reminded me of the orcs from lord of the rings. Which i once had a nightmare in which they were chasing me. (i know its the start of a weird collection of dreams ive had.) The second thing that as it were, made me feel uneasy was the movement. the jitteryness of it, that mixed in with the sound, it is the sound that makes this tense, harsh, it made me feel uneasy and even to some extent freaked out. Just the movement in mix with the sound together. It deffo had the intended reaction from me which annie had and what im guessing the director wanted to create.

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