17 November 2009

Facepaint day of the dead photoshoot reserch

After looking at the day of the dead, and seeing photos documented by Mary Andrade, I noticed that a common thing to do was to paint faces to look like a skull, which gave me an idea of a fashion style shoot but to include facepaint of a skull.
the first thing i thought was... how the hell do i do that?
so i serched online and looked at a few videos on how to do a skull facepaint, some step by step guides, facepainting books, but the best i found was a guy who has a few posts about SFX style makeup (mainly for halloween!) and came across this video post:

So i grabbed ahold of my makeup kit, which while i do have alot i was limited to the stuff i had for the first experiment.
I did have white face paint from a themed night out, and a few different shades of eye shadow and eye liner that i had to make do with to experiment with.
Just for experimenting i did do it on myself and i did copy the half a face skull look. However for my shoot i am thinkin full faced skull would look better. But while i was settling for the half a face look i did a basic 'mexican day of the dead' style eye makeup on the other side of my face. anywho! this was the results:

Once i perchase the right makeup for this (a dark black facepaint) and next time i attempt this i will design it out first rather then just do it as i go along, from afar it doesnt look to bad, I need to try working on my blending for the shadow and of course as i just said a design ready but i mean for 30mins work it didnt come out terribly bad.

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