12 December 2009

live through this - lady lazarus: uncoupleting suicide and poetry (2)

Daphne Gottlieb- Autor and poet.
here, while the story is more jumbled in its timeline,(and writen beautifully might i add)  the basics of her story lean around being a writer and sufforing from depression, and the decision to take anti-depressents even though they could stop the creative flow and loose her ability to write. About how growing up she was advised against it as a child because her writing was to dark. How she grew up, and how she came to chose to try medication for her depression, how it made her feel and how she is now starting to write again after coming over the slump caused by the medication to begin to write again. From what i can tell, her writing seems very interesting and its something i should look into abit more. i did fine a website with an interview with the writer herself which can be read here, which also includes a few examples of her poetry. 

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