8 December 2009

Silent hill Movement

while looking at the saw editing techniques the movement in that reminded me so much of the movement of the Nurses scene in the silent hill film.

i again also managed to find abit from behind the scenes to give me an idea what was shot, and what was finally realeased on the screens.

While the film is horror and its not really what i want to focus on, again like the movement created by the editing i love the movement of the 'nurses' i also love the style of them. Appearing to be bandaged from head to toe, and while in the context of the film it is obviously done to create a weird effect, it could be used in my work to help create the feelings brought on by a 'break down' or an episode of the want to self harm. The feeling of being completely covered from head to toe, cacooned if you were, suppressed by your feelings and your need to self harm. The movement is reflective almost of a self struggle and jittery-ness almost reflects the feelings that your fighting a battle within yourself.

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