18 January 2010

Ideas for film development.

I love films with quick edits, and i think the film im planning with benifit it. it reflects the quick paced attitude of the 'breakdown.' I also plan on encorperating symbolism into my work as well as more obvious shots. i want to mix them up and play with the sound to go with it. i want to cause the audience to feel like they are going through it too. I have a few ideas of more symbolic representations. I know one of the feelings mentioned alot to me with self harm is Numbness, feeling like cutting is the only way to feel something, anything. So to symbolise this i was thinking of filming a lamb/pigs heart in ice and time lapsing it. I also had an idea of trying to create a look of lips sewn shut. I have read that it makes you feel like you are silenced, like you can not talk about your feelings and emoitions and bottling it up is what causes it. its like wanting to scream but not being able to.  I have a few other ideas on which i want to play around on but i want to experiment with these first.

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