19 January 2010

More photo experimentation

I wanted to see if i could some how encorperate text into my work. I decided to try an encorperate it onto body parts rather then trying to layer it over an image so the text then actually becomes part of the photograph. I decided to use descritption and write it on, before taking the photos. I also upped the exposure to the photos to create a more grunge style effect to the photos and here are some of the results: 

i really like these photos an the mixture of text and skin, as well the photos almost seem to tell a story in some sence. this could be something i develope upon. to set apart stages of a breakdown and use this idea of text and skin to tell the steps of the break down. i also really like the idea of the use of high contrast and the look it gives the photos, almost as if it was shot on a toy camera that sorta effect. 
However in comparison to the heartfelt text images by adam knott these are nothing. Maybe instead of writing on the body for the photos maybe trying to write ontop of the images afterwards. i would have to focus on the sculpting of the text but its worth an experiment.

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