14 January 2010

Live throught this- total disaster: sketching sanity (5)

Artist Fly uses her art to express her inner most feelings, this started when she suffered a nervous breakdown to which she turned to her sketchbooks. She describes how she felt during her breakdown, as almost an out of body experience to which her body and her mind were disconnected. and her drawings would be a away of bringing back together herself. She talks about her self portraits she did during this time, and how it helped her, but now she cant even bear to look at some of them. She also talks about the difficulty she had to look at herself in the mirror, it was a frightening concept. Her work almost copies the idea that she has different emotions alot of the times and that she could switch easily between depression and euphoria because her work is so diverse, looking at the work collectively it doesnt look like it could be from the same artist which is really unusual.

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