15 January 2010

live through this- she's lost control again (and how alice learnt to drive) (7)

The piece beguins by talking about a work that writer nicole blackman wrote about a girl with an eating disorder, a  character study almost. She did not herself suffer with it, but soon women were no longer feeling connected to the peice in a good light, but negatively looking it as a goal to look for, to achieve controlled self-destruction. She was over whelmed by the responce she got from readers, she had hundreds of girls and boys contacting them, most of them on the brink, self harmers, eating disorders, alchol abuse.  And tried as best she could to help these people, answering every cry for help she recieved and how much she had learnt about these people and methods of coping and the links between self destruction. She also talks about a girl who wrote to her called 'alice' who seeked for help and how she talked her through the experience of letting these feelings drive her, and instead driving herself into what she wants to achieve in a positive mannor.

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