18 January 2010

live through this- cello speak: exploring new languages for madness (14)

Here tells the story of cello player, vocalist and song writer Bonfire Madigan. It speaks of her 'hippy' mother and her mental illness which whenever bonfire tried to talk to anyone about, she was silenced. It also tells us that she herself had a darkness and suisidal thoughts which lead her to want to find a creative outlook, a voice in which she could say all those things which wasnt ment to be dicussed. At school she discovered the cello which soon was to become her voice. She talked about hearing voices and how she avoided telling anyone because it would mean being judged and having a lable put on it, or being commited. She also talks about a 'wellness plan' that she has set out which states the negative feelings she may feel and what to do when they happen. instead of sercoming to it she allows it to be there, but as if to say to herself i can see why ur there, but i wont let u win. This has allowed her to express her feelings without being overwhelmed and sucumming to them.

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