19 January 2010

Photo expermentation

I wanted to play on the idea of the emotions being mixed up and the feeling of the need to self harm hitting like a tornado. I decided i wanted to try and create images that may appear a little abstract, portraits that use movement to blur and mix the images. I decided to experment like this. I ended up with some weird but some good images. I made sure when shooting i had a slower shutter speed then needed to try and give some movement back to the images rather then freezing them. However the lighting is rather orange so i colour corrected slightly, one didnt turn out so orange because i tried to compensate for it by bouncing more natural light in. here are a few examples:

However the lighting still appeared very offputting to me so i decided to try the photos in black and white, i changed them over and upped the contrast slightly because they are a little under exposed and pale and i am rather more pleased with the results i got from changing them to black and white, it seems to add to the expression of the imagery.

these photos remind me of an album cover that i remember uses the same form of style this blurred by motion style effect. The album Im thinkin of is a Marilyn Manson album entitled

The Golden Age of Grotesque

which i feel i should look into more, try and find out who was the photographer behind it.

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