15 January 2010

live through this- Slash n burn (6)

to start this piece beguins with a rather good peice of text which is really fitting with what i am looking into:
'I hurt myself today
To see if i still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real' Trent Reznor via Johny Cash
This section is about Inga M.Muscio An author. she talks about the impact that death had on her life, and not being able to say goodbye, first she talks about the death of her brother, and then moves onto the death of her father which resulted on her mum setting up a new family with her newly outted gf. how this had pushed her and her brother apart, and how she had regretted not getting close to him before his tragic death and how this sent her in a downward spiral in not eating and sleeping, not to die but because she felt nothing more then loss. How she soon turned to cutting after an accident with a broken glass started a fastination with cutting into the numbness and watching the different stages of healing. she talks about burning herself and the lengths she went through to hide this from people, and how now after stopping the scars are a reminder of the healing process she had to go through.

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