19 January 2010

More photos

Here i took the idea of scarring and desided to play abit with it. Though tbh i dont have alot of scars myself that are clearly visible it is the beguinning of somthing that i can develop on and try and organise taking photos of people with scars. I also thought it would be interesting to add an element of text to this also, i was reminded of one of the entrys from the books to which one of the women with the eating disorder tells that she remembers moments not by the memory but by how much she weighed at the time. so i thought of trying to encorperate the idea of adding an almost like 'time stamp' to the scars. i edited the images to include this time stamp and here is what i came up with:

Even here we can see an almost like narrative coming out. i do like this idea and i also like the idea of the 'time stamp' however i am not sure about the font i used but this could be worked on and improved.

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