15 January 2010

live through this- double trouble in the love art lab: our breast cancer experiments (8)

Here we look at the unusal Elizabeth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle. it follows there journey falling inlove, and deciding to create a 7 year art project called the love art lab in which they wanted to exhibit love to rid the world of some of its hatred. When the story takes a devistating turn of events when annie found a lump. she was confirmed to have breast cancer a year into the project. and to stay positive they decided to take the cancer as a project in there art lab. the first peice created was a two-woman performace piece called 'exposed: experiments in love, sex and death' in which they look back on there experiences in starting a new relationship as well as looking into the feelings that they felt over the experiences with cancer.They also did a 'chemo fashion show' in which they took photos of themselves in different clothes often comically during annies chemo sessions which lasted 4 months. The most unusal of there work, hair erotica came about when they desided to cut there hair as annies had started to fall out and got there photographer friend to photograph it. it was very erotic and they wanted to show that death can be erotic, it almost looks as if it is part of a fetish.  as a whole they some how manage to show the love between us and almost make annies cancer into art.

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